Wednesday, 15 August 2012

Images of Economics

Chateau Joffe is open this Thursday, Friday and Saturday. It's your last chance to see the show!
Pop along to Plough Yard, just off Bishopsgate, you can smell Shoreditch and look up to the City.

"What is economics? How can you picture it and if so, what would it look like? London-based artist Jasper Joffe has converted a room in his house – intimidatingly called Chateau Joffe, though the name belies its intimate feel – into an installation which (in the words of his press release) aims to create a “visual vocabulary of the abstract terms which are used in discussing economics”.

10 August to 18 August open on Thurs, Fri, Sat, 12 – 5 pm
Chateau Joffe, Shoreditch, London
Unit 3, 7C Plough Yard, EC2A 3LP
Liverpool Street or Old Street tubes