Joffe Books accepts submissions. We're especially looking for great full-length thrillers, mysteries, and suspense novels. love submissions
. . . and appreciate the time and hope authors put into sending them off. In a digital age there's no need for the old 3 chapters and a synopsis. Send us your whole manuscript as a word document or PDF with a short (no more than 3 paragraphs) synopsis. We'll enjoy the chance to read what you've poured your heart and soul into. But as we're busy publishing great books, it might take ages to get back to you.What we like to receive
- Great books which say something interesting about the world as you see it
- We prefer full length novels
- Literary Fiction, Thrillers, Detective, Romance, Horror, Suspense are favourite genres
- We're sorry not to be into kids books, sci-fi, non-fiction, conspiracy theories, or erotic (unless it's amazing like Anais Nin)
- We'll take a quick look at just about anything
- We take risks on books we care about
- Passionate book loving editors
- Thoughtful and engaged editing and development of books
- An in-depth knowledge of the amazon marketplace (which is by far the largest)
- A competitive royalty rate on sales
- Long term engagement with your career
- We don't charge any fees for publishing or marketing your work (of course!)
- Digital savvy marketing and design
Email to
- your full length book as a PDF or word doc
- a synopsis (three paragraphs maximum)
- 100 words about yourself